Buena Bonita Christy Olmar

 Ch Finwar's Whiskey Jack

 Ch.Finwar's Red Roc

 Ch.Finwar's Quetzalcoatl

 CH Sindelar's Hawk

 Jast Fansy That

 Ch.Kar-Ron's Finwar's Fine

 CH Ledge Rock Kopper Korn

 CH Diamond Crystal of Kar-Ron

 Ch.Stone MNT Whistling Dixie

 Bare Metal Bonz

 Ch. Rindside Ruffian Heavy Metal

 Grendel Blue Bonz

 Ch.Stone MNT Dixie Belle

 Ch. Quale's Black Bart of Fraja

 Ch. White Rock Shapshot of Fraja

 Ch Talk O'The Town PJ

 Touch O'Class Man About Town

 Ch.Tryarr Touch O'Class

 CH Herk's Harper

 CH Tryarr Topstaff Carry On

 Rocky MT Touch O'Class Tiffany

 CH Tryarr Diamondback Reabolt

 CH Rocky Mountain Annie

 CH.Touch O'Class Cover Girl

 Ch.Pure Class

 Ch Tryarr Touch O'Class

 Tryarr Ruby Lee of Bel-A-Ree

 Tara's Calamity Jane

 CH Sindelar's Doctor Mudd

 CH Tryarr Strawberry Tart

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