Edelhaus' Sunset Tiger
Carol Patterson

Edelhaus' Lionheart

 CH Nobles Kash Money

 CH Benmars Dewayne the Fatboy

 CH Roadhouses El Toro Valiente

 CH Herrings Roaring Rose

 CH Noble Shadow Dancer

 Rowdytowns Crackerjack

 Int CH Noble Delta Dancer

 CH Nichol's Noble Kelsa

 CH R'Chards Apache Dancer

 Rowdytowns Crackerjack

 Int CH Noble Delta Dancer

 CH Nobles Denim-N-Leather

 CH Smith's Skystaff Starman

 CH Kodiak's Tina Turner Review

 Absolutes After the Cat

 CH Circle C'S Bodacious Of WT RK

 CH White Rocks Lone Star Dallas

 CH White Rocks Gem Dandy

 CH White Rocks Rowdy Angel

 CH White Rocks Willynwood Pita

 Int. CH Skram's White Rock Chasqui

 Ch. Willynwood Dana

 Oakdale's Wildest Dreams

 CH Benmars Sharp Shooter

 CH Garrett's Al E Gator

 CH Benmars Hickory Knot

 CH Benmars Oakdale Evolution

 Ma-N-Paw's Mr. Ziggy Garrett

 CH Benmars Tooty Fruity Legend

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