Finwar's MR. Hollywood

 CH. Storytime's Starmaker

 AM Ch. Ledge Rock Make My Day

 CH Kar-Ron's Komet Of Ledge Rock



 CH Ledge Rock's Lucy in The Sky



 S'N'S Mithril Stargazer

 CH Sooner's Oklahoma Pride



 Sooner's Fudge Ripple



 Ch.Stone MNT Whistling Dixie

 Bare Metal Bonz

 Ch. Rindside Ruffian Heavy Metal

 CH Ringside Ruffian's Teeler

 Magnum's Summer Trunder

 Grondel Blue Bonz

 CH Ringside Ruffian's Teeler

 Cleopatra White Brindle

 Ch.Stone MNT Dixie Belle

 Ch. Quale's Black Bart Of Fraja

 CH Mari-Don Polly's Black Beau

 CH Herk's Jaws Of Fraga

 Ch. White Rock Shapshot Of Fraja

 CH Tonkawa Toker's Wild

 Patton's White Rock Penny

Hosted by uCoz