Storytime's Hell Of A Storm

 CH. Fraja EC Thunder Cloud

 Ch. Sindelar's Touch O'Class Orion

 Ch. Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt

 Ch. Ruffian Sky Bolt of Har-Wyn

Ch. Tryarr Strawberry Fields

 Ch. Sindelar's Heidi Ho

Brian's Staff

 Ch. Mistina

 Ch. Fraja ES Winning Ticket

 Ch. Sindelar's Sonny Boy of Tara

 Ch. Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt

 CH Sindelar's Heide Ho

Ch. Fraja Thunder Battery

 Ch. Mari-Don Kirkee Battery

  Ch. Pepper Ridge Fraja's Thunder

 CH. Storytime Here Comes Summer

 CH. Ledge Rock Make My Day

 CH. Kar-Ron Komet Of Ledge Rock



 CH. Ledge Rock's Lucy In The Sky



 CH.S'N'S Storytime`s By Moonlight

 Ch. S'N'S The Once And Future King

 Sooner's Pervectly Demonic

 Ch Sooner's Flying Sorceress

 Sunrise Red Keeper

 Ch Rogadame's Keeper

 Milwaukee Red Loretch

Hosted by uCoz