Woodforest Tiffton Meetwo

 Ch.Herrings Bullet

Ch.Pattons Red Rocket

 Ch.Pattons Red Rock Skillet

 CH Ruffian Red Rock Of HarWyn

 CH Atchley's Fanny

 Terris White Rock Pepper

 Ch. Sooner's Ranger El Cajohn

 Debbie's White Rock Flash

 Ch.Pattons Red Bridget

 Ch.Pattons Pagan Piglet Laws

 CH Pattons Red Rock Skillet

 CH Atchleys Fanny

 Ch.Pattons Wildfire of Harper

 CH Ruffian Harper of Har-Wyn

 CH Atchleys Fanny

Woods Tiffany Dicette

CH Ruffian Bo Tie & Tux

Tonkawa Devil Dan

 H Ruffian Littele Herk of Har Wyn

 Devilish Delilah of Ter-Lyn

 Brandy Fleming

 White Rock Rebel

 Debbies White Rock Flash

 Ch.Sentinals Just E Zee

 Tonkawa Devil Dan

 H Ruffian Littele Herk of Har Wyn

 Devilish Delilah of Ter-Lyn

 BBB Blackeyed Bandit Brandon

 New River CPO Sharkey

 Ledy Barrett of Melanie Manor

Hosted by uCoz