X-Pertise Svetlana`s Gee Gee 31.07. 2000 î X-Pert Beers` Popeye`s Bamdit ì Country Haven Redsky At Dawn âë Svetlana Korina
X-Pert Alabama Buzzsaw î CH Kandoo Kool Kustomer ì X-Pert Southern Belle
X-Pert At Essex î CH X-Pert Sligo's Tony ì CH X-Pert Lady Red Velvet
X-Pert Beers' Annie Oakley î CH X-Pert Beers' Powerpac's Image ì CH X-Pert Beers' Rufhaus Tanya
X-Pert Beers' Aries Thunder î CH X-pert Tiger's Bullion ì CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie a Lady
X-Pert Beers' Pisces Powerpac î CH X-pert Tiger's Bullion ì CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie a Lady
X-Pert Beers' Popeye's Bandit î X-Pert Beers' Tony's Popeye ì X-Pert Beers' Annie Oakley
X-Pert Beers' Power Pac's Image î X-Pert Beers' Pisces Powerpac ì X-Pert Indian Raid's Aubra
X-Pert Beers' Rufhaus Tanya î CH Sindelar's Sonny Boy Tara ì CH X-Pert Hurricane Hanna
X-Pert Beers' Tony's Popeye î CH X-Pert Sligo's Tony ì CH X-Pert Beers' Aries Thunder
X-Pert Black Nellie î CH Uppies X-Pert Biff's Shadow ì X-Pert Satin Boots
X-Pert Brindle Nellie î X-Pert Brindle Rocky ì CH X-Pert Glamorous Goldie
X-Pert Brindle Tiger î X-Pert Brown's Northern Yuma ì X-Pert Black Nellie
X-Pert Bruyette Beauty î CH X-Pert Roman Grit ì CH X-Pert Lady Charo
X-Pert Buzzy Zanoia î CH One Stone Sonny De Paco ì Schaller’s April Of X-Pert
X-Pert Chismera î CH X-Pert Buddy Of Louisville ì INT CH X-Pert Blossom Queen
X-Pert Gallant Lady î CH X-Pert Brindle Biff ì Lloyd's Dappy Girl
X-Pert Indian Raid's Aubra î CH Sligo McCarthy ì Indian Raid's Oliveoil
X-Pert June Apple î CH Sooner's True Grit Of Rhody ì X-Pert Black Nellie
X-Pert Lady Charo î CH Nugent's Spanky Of Our Gang ì X-Pert Black Nellie
X-Pert Lady Red Velvet î High Power Pack Of Pinehaven ì Pinehaven's Right Impression
X-Pert Red Rascal î Jaque Duke ì Jone's Gay One Roxie
X-Pert Rowdy Rascal î X-Pert Red Rascal ì X-Pert Gallant Lady
X-Pert Sadie A Lady î CH Fraja Don Quixote ì CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty
X-Pert Sligo's Tony î CH Sligo McCarthy ì CH X-Pert Lady Charo
X-Pert Tiger's Bullion î X-Pert Brindle Tiger ì X-Pert June Apple
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