Чак 31.10.1996 Алексанкин
Даймонд Хард Фил
Storytime's Song and Dance Man
Ch.Storytime's on the Darkside
CH. Kinder's Rebellious Gator
S'N'S Mithril Stargazer
Ch. Wildwind's Image of River Run
CH. Wildwinds Apache Brave
Wildwinds Daydream Fantasy
Hagele's Go Go Girl
Spartan`s Argo
CH. Sertoma's Blaze
CH. Sierra's Holdthattiger
Hagele's Cobra
Ch. Spartan's Argo
Ch. Handsome Lady von Simba Camp
Жамэ Венгор Черет
Ach's Black Bull Bomber
Bomber Kamikadze
White Devil's Killer
CH Angel vom Simba Camp
Cassy de'Mandrakа
CH Sambo
Ега Норд
Sindelar`s Fred
Elisa Selin des Bois de La Theve
Dalilah de'Mandraka
Zyrus vom Simba Camp