Kar-Ron's Noble Pride

Ch Kar-Ron's John Henry

 Ch Ledge Rock's Kopper Korn

 CH Titans Rojo Grande

 CH Patton's Red Rock Skillet

 CH Willynwood King's Duchess

 CH Rowdytown Jazz Of Ledge Rock

 CH Patton's Red Rock Skillet

 Mount Shire's Ms Maxine

 Ch Diamond's Crystal of Kar-Ron

 CH Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt

 CH Ruffian Sky Bolt Of Har-Wyn

 CH Tryarr Strawberry Fields

 CH Tryarr Sweet Wonderful You

 CH Herk's Harper

 Tryarr Right On

 Kar-Ron's Ain't I Pretty

 Ch Finwar's Kar-Ron Fancy Dan







 CH Rock Spring Kar-Ron's Kutiepie







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