Visokii Uroven iz Sozvezdiya Staff
(Голубой с белым)
вл Марьева Елена
Созвездие Стафф

CH. Gang-staff Love Me Tender

 Georgetown's Armour (HUN)

 HCH.Rainbo Geronimo

 Ch. Rowdytown's Rainbo Warrior

 Ch. Herring's Lady Fremont

 Diamond Hard Valentina

 Hagele's Priamos

 Diamond Hard Kiss Me

 Imp. USA Sandune Arent's you Envious

 CH. USA Benmar's Sharp Shooter

 Ch.Garrett's Al E Gator

 Ch.Benmar's Hickory Knot

 Noble Nidora's Exotic Dancer

 Showtime's BluSteel Flash

 Ch. Noble Delta Dancer

 CH.RUS, Ch. GEO Humayun Golden Lady iz Voiska Tamerlana

 Imp. USA, CH. USA, Woodforest Ez Eagle Screa

 CH. USA Woods Forest Ez Changes'R'

 Ch. Woods EZ McRuff

 Woods EZ Coral's Blu St

 CH. USA Scott's Angel Kisses

 Ch. Woods EZ Challenger Chance

 Lady Scott of River Run

 CH RUS, CH GEO Sensatsiya Veka Seira iz Voiska Tamerlana

CH. Storytime's Eye Of The Tiger

Ch.Sindelar's Johnny Walker Red

Storytime's Beverly Hillbilly

 CH RUS, CH GEO Aida Maas Shamb

Maks Pithard

Asja Roks

Hosted by uCoz